Celebrating Small Steps: Housing Advocacy

2024-05-16T09:46:13-06:00May 16th, 2024|Advocacy, Housing, Our View|

YW Calgary is pleased that the City of Calgary approved changes to its existing base residential zoning after lengthy public consultations with community members. Our organization participated in the public hearings to share our support for the proposal, speaking to Council directly about issues YW's clients face daily when seeking safe, affordable and [...]

Adapting to Needs of Women Through the Decades

2023-09-14T09:56:52-06:00September 14th, 2023|Our View|

As YW Calgary celebrates the Grand Opening of our newly rebuilt and expanded crisis shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence, it encourages us to look back on our history. YW's origins lie in providing shelter for women when they need it most.  Back in 1907, women did not have the right [...]

The Importance of Early Literacy: Why it Matters 

2023-05-10T16:03:32-06:00May 11th, 2023|Our View|

Lacie Wichert, Guest Contributor Education is one of the most valuable gifts that we can give the younger generation. All children deserve the opportunity to succeed in life, to become independent and to have the confidence to navigate the world around them. One of those key skills is literacy, and this skill is [...]

Examining Environmental Justice this Black History Month

2023-02-07T08:52:34-07:00February 7th, 2023|Our View|

Lana Bentley, Guest Contributor Black history is characterized not only by adversity, but resilience. This month provides us with a reminder of the contributions that Black peoples have made not only to their communities but to the culture at large. Every February, we are called to learn and speak of the names of [...]

Guest Post: Canadian Mental Health Association Recovery College Partnership

2023-01-11T11:29:24-07:00January 11th, 2023|Housing, Our View|

Guest Contributor: Abby LaRocque, Canadian Mental Health Association YW Calgary works every day to establish a world where women and their families can thrive safely and equitably. They care about each other, their clients and the community and are driven by the lasting impact they have on women, their families and by extension, their community. [...]

Domestic Violence is Everyone’s Business by Trinity Song

2022-11-23T21:27:24-07:00November 23rd, 2022|Our View|

Trinity Song, Guest Contributor Domestic violence is a learned behaviour whereby psychological and physical coercion are used to assert and maintain control over an intimate partner. Domestic violence does not discriminate – anyone can be a victim regardless of race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation or economic status. It is a pervasive problem that [...]

Help fund your child’s education this Financial Literacy Month by Albiona Sadikaj

2022-11-18T11:55:20-07:00November 14th, 2022|Education, Families, Our View, Uncategorized, Women's Economic Prosperity|

It’s Financial Literacy Month in Canada! An excellent time to focus our attention on gaining insights and skills to improve our financial health and wellbeing, particularly before the holiday season! My name is Albiona, and I am an Economic Empowerment Coordinator with YW Calgary Women’s Economic Prosperity team. I support women with moving towards [...]

Week Without Violence 2023

2022-10-21T09:28:58-06:00October 22nd, 2022|Our View|

Zandile Moyo, Guest Contributor The World Health Organization (WHO) defines violence as, "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation." In [...]