Gifts in Wills

Outlive Yourself

You can help create a brighter future with a gift in your will 

By leaving a gift in your will to YW Calgary, you are building a future where women and children can thrive in a safe and equitable community. You are showing a deep commitment to this work and the values we share. Since 1910 YW Calgary has evolved its programs and services to meet the changing needs of the women and families in our community. We work to ensure they have the opportunity, ability and resources they need to move from crisis to stability. 

The impact of a gift through your will allows YW Calgary to plan for the future, ensure our voices are louder, our impact is greater and our reach is further. Only together can we empower change. 

Join others in creating a brighter future for women and families in Calgary and surrounding areas. Hear why Islay Lamb is leaving a gift in her will to YW Calgary: 

Islay decided to make this incredible decision for a few reasons. First our work is deeply meaningful to her as she herself had experienced domestic abuse in a past relationship, and was able to eventually leave, but knows that it is very traumatizing, complicated and not every woman has the means and ability to leave on their own. For her, this is why YW Calgary’s work is critical. “I knew YW had broad counselling services and a great deal of experience in family issues but I was thrilled when I was able to tour the Hub facility and it just confirmed my decision.” She also knows the future of this work is critical and has complete belief that the advocacy work and partnerships YW creates will build a future that is safer and provides more opportunities for women and children. “I wanted to know the charity I am leaving this important gift to be working on building the future I hope for and is a charity I believe will make that happen one day.” 

What are the benefits?

  • Your lasting legacy – A gift in your will is your lasting legacy, letting others know what was important to you. 
  • Reduce estate taxes – Your estate will be entitled to a donation receipt for the full value of the gift, which may dramatically reduce taxes payable by your estate. 
  • Claim donations towards income taxes – Your estate can claim donations for income tax purposes of up to 100% of the net income in the year of death. 
  • Changes can be made – A gift in your will is revocable and can be changed if there are changes to your financial situation. 

How do I make a gift in my will?

We encourage you to seek professional legal, estate planning and/or financial advice when making decisions about a gift in your will to YW Calgary. For assistance in speaking with your advisor, here is a free guide to help. We also encourage you to talk to your loved ones about your plans. Making a gift in your will is simple but it is important that the language is chosen carefully to ensure your wishes can be administered with ease and as you intended. You can also download this step-by-step Guide on how to write your Will with family and charity in mind to help you through this process

YW Calgary would benefit greatly from gifts to our greatest needs. Our programs are always evolving to meet the changing needs of the women and families we support. Here is some sample wording for including a gift in your will to YW Calgary:

You can indicate that the gift in your will be “to support YWCA Calgary’s greatest needs.”

However if you care deeply about a specific area, consider a statement such as this: “I would like to support women and/or women with children facing domestic abuse.”

An important part of gifts in wills is to allow YW Calgary the flexibility to address unforeseen needs. Please consider including a clause that allows for adaptability. For Example: If YWCA Calgary is unable to grant my wishes as described, I ask that they make every effort to adhere as closely and truly as possible to my stated intentions.”

We are truly humbled and inspired when donor’s final wishes include a gift to YW Calgary. The foresight and generosity will empower women and families who might otherwise be left behind. We are committed to fulfilling your intent.

Thank you for considering a gift in your will to YW Calgary.

You Can Help

The success of the women and families supported by YW are your success too. We cannot do this alone, your support helps us provide vulnerable women with flexible, personalized support to help them and their families move forward with dignity in times of crises.